Block and unblock a friend in the Epic Games Launcher

Block or remove a friend in the Epic Games Launcher

  1. Open the Epic Games Launcher.
  2. In the top right, click the Friends icon.
    Click the Friends icon.
  3. Click the name of the friend you want to remove or block. You can also manually search for the Player's name in the Search or add players field
    Search for the player's name in the search field.
  4. Click the player's name, and then click the ellipses (...).
    Click the ellipses.
  5. Select BLOCK or UNFRIEND, and then click to confirm.

Unblock a friend in the Epic Games Launcher

  1. Open the Epic Games Launcher.
  2. In the top right, click the Friends icon.
    The friends icon on the Epic Games Launcher
  3. In the Search or add players field, enter the name of the blocked player that you'd like to unblock.
    Enter the name of the player you'd like to unblock into the Search or add players field.
  4. Click the player's name, and then click the red Blocked icon then click Unblock.
    Click Unblock to unblock a player in the Epic Games Launcher

Note: Unblocking a player will not automatically add the player to your Friend's list. You'll need to add this person again.

Note: Blocking someone on a specific platform (Playstation, Xbox, and Nintendo) will cause them to also be blocked in the Launcher.

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